Case Study Slightly Loose Bearing Fits and VFD Issues in Vertical Motor with EMPATH Electrical Signature Analysis

In-place testing was performed on a 350 horsepower, 460 Vac, 1780 RPM vertical motor (Figure 1) and EMPATH detected conditions associated with bearings, rotor and early winding stress were indicated.  The motor was removed for routine overhaul and the defects were investigated.

Rotor Bar Fault Trend with EMPATH Electrical Signature Analysis

In this case study white paper we show the basics of trending a rotor bar fault and the various conditions surrounding the problem plus a view at the capability to look further than just the motor.  The motor in question is a 4000hp, 1790 RPM, 4160 Vac, induction motor, gearbox and compressor.  The fault was…