Case Study Slightly Loose Bearing Fits and VFD Issues in Vertical Motor with EMPATH Electrical Signature Analysis

In-place testing was performed on a 350 horsepower, 460 Vac, 1780 RPM vertical motor (Figure 1) and EMPATH detected conditions associated with bearings, rotor and early winding stress were indicated.  The motor was removed for routine overhaul and the defects were investigated.

Motion Amplification and EMPATH Detect Coupling Defect on Slow Speed Coupling and DC Motor

During a site visit along with Scott Burkhardt of #RDI, we were asked to investigate the cause of a noise from a casting mill. The DC motor operated the mill through two gearboxes then a slow speed shaft. Following #motionamplification on the first day, data was collected with an #EMPATH #electricalsignatureanalyzer from the DC drive. A comparison of operating speeds from the customer…

Detect Windpower Generator and Powertrain Condition in 48 Seconds

MotorDoc LLC provides the EMPATH line of data collectors, ECMS and ECMS-1 electrical signature analysis continuous monitoring systems, sales, service and connection with one of our service provider partners.  Go to for information on EMPATH systems and for our services.  Email us directly at for a quotation.